We spent the weekend home since it was the opening weekend of deer season.The boy's went home Thursday afternoon so ,I managed on my own until I got off Friday night.I was so happy to see my Trace when I got the deer camp! He was having a good time playing with Riley. I see those two getting into lots of trouble together in there near future! :) Me and Trace stayed the night at Granny's and got the next morning and headed back to camp to see daddy before heading to got stay with nana and papaw.
This is Trace's new buddy Hank,he belongs to Trace's uncle Kevin.
I was told they had a lot of fun Friday!
My Chunky little man playing at Nana's and Papaws on Saturday !
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
It's been awhile
We had a very uneventful September.
In October we started it off with a Trip to the Pumpkin patch at bobrook farms!
Trace loved the Corn pit!!!
Then we went to Memphis zoo and had a blast!!!
Trace loved all the animals !!!!!!!
Then came the LR Zoo with Daddy's work!!
Then Boo at the ZOO
Trick or Treating
Fall Pictures outside!
So as Thanksgiving and Christmas grow near, We are getting rather excited for are little guy to enjoy all the fun things to come! He has been such a joy to Wayne and I ! He is growing so fast and he's such a little smart little guy! Trace can knows were his nose is,he can point his finger at you and say no! , He can wave and say Bye Bye, he says momma,and dada.He loves to act like he's talking on the phone,he goes around with the phone saying huh into it, so cute, and so much more!
On another note, I read alot,because of my job I have time to when I'm at work. I've read a few of Nicholas Spark's books, and I really enjoy reading his books! So about a week ago I went to a used book store and Got most of the ones that I haven't read!! Right now I'm reading A Bend in the Road, and so far it's pretty good! These are the one's that I have read Three weeks with my brother,Dear John,The last song, and the best of me! I can't wait to read them all :)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Getting Big
My Little man is growing up so fast and next week he will be turning one. I wonder where all the time has gone? I wish there was some way to get some of it back or some way to prolong the inevitable of my baby growing up! It only seems like yesterday that I was holding that chubby cheeked cutie for the first time! Now I lucky if he lets me hold him at all. He's such a busy little boy and into everything. He is such a joy to my heart and I thank God everyday for my Trace! Wayne and I wonder often what we did before Trace got here and we don't seem to remember,it must of not of been important.This has been the fastest year ever and I very sad to see it go! Trace has his party this weekend and we can't wait!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
My Child has FINALLY started sleeping in his crib all night! Though I miss are late night cuddles,I so don't miss the being kicked and hit.We are both so rested when we wake up.He's only been doing it for a week, and only after one night of some tough love. I had to adjust how I was going about getting him to stay and sleep all night in his crib.Everyone was saying to let him cry it out,which is fine I have know problem with that. The one thing was,everyone was saying to pat him and tell him to go back to sleep, to just stay in the room with him. Well that didn't work,he got more upset when he could actually see me. So the first time he woke up ,I had went in there and he threw the big fit, so I left. So after a few minutes of course he is fast asleep. Then a few hours later he was up again,this time I didn't go in, I cracked the door and peaked in. He was fine and he wasn't even standing and screaming like he usually is he was just fussing and moving around. He woke up a once of twice more that night,but I didn't go back in there,I just peaked in on him.So ever since then he's done great. He's even started to sleep in when we can! Like I said I am sleeping better,but ever time I wake up I have to go check on him.I can't help my self, long gone the nights of sleeping through with out waking up. Since Trace has been born I have supersonic hearing, I can wake up to a pen drop, I have the six sense like know other. I know a hurt cry from a tired cry to a hungry cry. I know my child like the back of my own hand. There is nothing like being a mother!
Trace has been walking and taking a few steps for the last few weeks,but now he is really after it. He walks everywhere, and hardly crawls anymore. He is always on the more,never still not even for a minute.When he falls ,he's right back at it 90 to nothing. Trace is such a fast learned,you show him how to do something once and usually he'll do it to. He loves for you to chase him, and he's pretty fast!
Well everyone have a good Monday
Trace has been walking and taking a few steps for the last few weeks,but now he is really after it. He walks everywhere, and hardly crawls anymore. He is always on the more,never still not even for a minute.When he falls ,he's right back at it 90 to nothing. Trace is such a fast learned,you show him how to do something once and usually he'll do it to. He loves for you to chase him, and he's pretty fast!
Well everyone have a good Monday
Monday, July 11, 2011
Another weekend has came and gone......I hate Monday's,it's something about starting the same thing over again that just gets under my skin.The week is so repetitive,well most of the times. Not that I don't like routine,because I do. I thrive for routine, but it's something about Monday's that it is so not routine,it's the opposite,it's chaos.
On another note,I plan to get back on my diet today. I have been doing weightwatchers ,but I have fallen off the wagon for the last two weeks so i'm jumping back on. I probably shouldn't have had that krispy kreme mocha this morning but Oh well.
Well everyone have a wonderful week!!!!!
On another note,I plan to get back on my diet today. I have been doing weightwatchers ,but I have fallen off the wagon for the last two weeks so i'm jumping back on. I probably shouldn't have had that krispy kreme mocha this morning but Oh well.
Well everyone have a wonderful week!!!!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Playing catch up.
I have so much to catch up on since the last time I posted! So where to begin? The 4th of July has came and gone already! This year is just zooming by us,which makes me really sad! I guess I'll start with the 4th of July. We went to the lake with my brother-in-law and his girlfriend,her parents and my mother-in-law. We headed up there after I got off work on Friday. We had such amazing time while we were there. Trace was such a joy ,and was so happy all weekend! He loved the water and sleep alot when we were on the boat.He had to get use to the life jacket,but after he did it didn't seem to bother him that much.Trace didn't get to see any fireworks this year,when we were on the lake we were going to watch them saturday night but the boast would not start. Then Monday night the actually 4th,they always shoot tons in our subdivison,so I thought he would get to see somethen,but of course he was asleep. So may next year my little man can see some fireworks. So the 4th of July was really good. Trace is now walking,not full speed ahead but he is walking,he rather crawl because he's so much faster but he's walking more and more each day. I hate that my little guy is growing up so fast, and that to make it worst his 1st birthday is at the end of next month. I never knew a year could go by so fast it seems like we just bought him home and that he should still be itty bitty!
I'm reading a new book by charlaine Harris which is the author of Sookie stackhouse novels. The name of the book is grace sight,its a series called The Harper Connelly Mysteries,and so far it's really good. I've been trying to read alot more,but sometimes it's really hard to do and I get so distracted sometimes. I've been reading a little when I'm home with Trace and he's taking a nap. When I get done with this book I have another waiting to be read The Yada Yada Prayer Group. It looks really good and I've heard good things about it.
In less then a month will be are 4 year wedding anniversary. It doesn't seem that we've been married that long.I guess time flys when your with someone you love and adore. I think I know what I'm going to get him and I hope he likes it. He asked me what I wanted last night and to be honest I have no idea, I have everything that I could ever want,but i'm sure I could think of a little something else :) .
I'm reading a new book by charlaine Harris which is the author of Sookie stackhouse novels. The name of the book is grace sight,its a series called The Harper Connelly Mysteries,and so far it's really good. I've been trying to read alot more,but sometimes it's really hard to do and I get so distracted sometimes. I've been reading a little when I'm home with Trace and he's taking a nap. When I get done with this book I have another waiting to be read The Yada Yada Prayer Group. It looks really good and I've heard good things about it.
In less then a month will be are 4 year wedding anniversary. It doesn't seem that we've been married that long.I guess time flys when your with someone you love and adore. I think I know what I'm going to get him and I hope he likes it. He asked me what I wanted last night and to be honest I have no idea, I have everything that I could ever want,but i'm sure I could think of a little something else :) .
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The other day I was looking on my news feed on Facebook, and saw were Wayne's cousin Stacey had posted a link to a blog , it had a cute little baby's picture on it and said to pray so I clicked on it. After that I started to read ,and my heart started to break for a family that I didn't even know. I have not been able to stop thinking about them, I pray that God wraps his arms around this family.They asked that everyone pray for 1. Miller's COMFORT 2. Cole's UNDERSTANDING 3. Meredith and Patrick's STRENGTH. Miller is there son that was born in March that is sick with SMA Type 1 (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), and Cole is there oldest son. I could not ever imagine, having to go through
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A picture is a memory.....
So yesterday Trace had his picture taken a two river's park by the ever so lovely Beck Gibson. The pictures turned out great and i'm so pleased with them!! I must say I have the cutest little boy ever!!! He melts my heart and boy can he take a picture! He has been so much fun lately. He has taken a few steps by himself,so he will be walking before long.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Boo boo
So my Trace got his first boo boo over the weekend! The First of many to come,but I had been trying really hard to hold this first off as long as I could! I was off Friday so Wayne took off to and we went home for the weekend. That afternoon we were at my mother-in-laws house playing under the carport. Trace was showing everyone how he could walk with his push toy. Some how he managed to flip when he got between Wayne and his granny. It was knowones fault ,but anyway he hit his head on the chair right above his eye. He got a knot and a bruise,and he's prefectly fine. I snuggled him up just like mommy's do and he was ready to play some more! I meant to take a picture,but I didn't get around to it. It's just a light yellow bruise now that you can hardly see.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
God Bless all of are soldiers!!!
Let us all remember what today is ,and pay remembrance for all the men and women who have fought for us and paid the ultimate price for are freedom!!
So it's Monday, and of course i'm at work. It's been a really good weekend! Got to spend some much needed time with the husband,and Trace stayed with his nana and papaw and his granny's! I've missed him alot , and can't wait to get my hands on that boy when I get off work at 7. So if I can make it through the day, I have a date with the cutiest little guy ever. We have plans to eat fajita's and watch the bachelorette. Wayne is on his own tonight :)
Let us all remember what today is ,and pay remembrance for all the men and women who have fought for us and paid the ultimate price for are freedom!!
So it's Monday, and of course i'm at work. It's been a really good weekend! Got to spend some much needed time with the husband,and Trace stayed with his nana and papaw and his granny's! I've missed him alot , and can't wait to get my hands on that boy when I get off work at 7. So if I can make it through the day, I have a date with the cutiest little guy ever. We have plans to eat fajita's and watch the bachelorette. Wayne is on his own tonight :)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Flordia- This post is long over due!
We took this trip in April, and stayed with Danielle, Devin, and Jack. We had a blast spending time with them. So glad that are boys finally got to play together :)
Busy Weekend!
Well the weekend started off just fine, I didn't work Friday instead I went to a golf tournament for work. We had a lot of fun, it was so much better then being in the office for 12 hours. Stephanie and I had the 18 hole and we had to try to get the guys to pay 5 dollars to tee off from the women's tee ,but little did they know they had to dress like a woman when they got down there! So much FUN!!! Then after it was over I got to pick up my little guy early from daycare,and boy was he surprised to see me since I don't ever get to pick him up :) made my day complete! Then Saturday we slept in as long as Trace would let us, but once he got up Wayne let me sleep a little longer :) . Once I did get up I cleaned the house and Wayne mowed the yard. Trace played all morning as usually. When it was nap time he fought me ,but once he did got to sleep I realised we had a birthday party at 3 and I didn't want to wake him up so I went ahead and took the gift before the party started. When I got back ,Trace and I snuggled up and we both napped for a few hours! When we got up Trace was burning up at first we thought it was because we were both under a blanket,but he wouldn't stop screaming. I took his temp and it was 103, I waited a few more mins and took it again and it was 102 so I gave him some meds but in the mean time he had puked twice once on me and once on Wayne. Since I was suppose to be going out Saturday night for a going away party ,I had already taken a shower,but of course I had to take another one since I was puked all over. While I was getting ready Wayne got Trace to lay back down and rest. I had to be at the party at 7 ,but I hated to leave my sick baby. I was told not to worry ,Wayne said that he would take good care of him and if they needed me they would call. So I headed out and had a good time with all my co-workers/friends! I'm really going to miss Jenn as she goes out on her new adventure , and starts PA school in a few weeks. I got home about 10 , Wayne was holding Trace. He said that every time he tried to lay him down he started screaming. I was about ready to take him to the ER. I can't stand to see my baby feel that bad. He still had a fever, Wayne said that we should wait to morning and if his fever was still high we would take him. They both stayed in the living room in the recliner for awhile so I got on the couch. After awhile we all climbed in the bed and me and Trace snuggled up,because mom always makes it better. When he got up Sunday morning he still had a fever but acted a lot better. Well that afternoon he still had no fever ,but started screaming again. So I took him to the after hours clinic. Come to find out he has a bad right ear infection, we got antibiotics for 10 days ,numbing drops as needed. and to keep on with the ibuprofen. Well after he got those numbing drops he was a totally different kid and he was back to his old self all over the place. I did have trouble getting him to bed, and he did wake up in the middle of the night. But over all he seems to be feeling lots better. I sent him to daycare today with the ear drops of course so I guess we will see how today goes. Tomorrow, I'll be out of town for work , so My mother-in-law is coming to stay Tuesday night to help Wayne out since he doesn't hear Trace cry at night because of his muscle relaxer that he takes. Then I'll be home Wednesday afternoon. So another busy week, We have Dylan's graduation Friday to go to. So everyone have a good week!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother's Day
I had a wonderful First mother's day! I got a necklace from Trace and Wayne along with some cards,one that Trace made at daycare and once that Wayne had gotten me! I couldn't of asked for more! Very sweet of them!We had went back home since it was Mother's day to be with both are mom's. We got to see all the Flooding that has been taken place,and let me just say that my heart goes out to everyone that is having to deal with this right now!

Mom and Dad's mailbox when we left Sunday afternoon you could not see the 9, and it's even higher today!
There front yard after the levy
Boating in the field.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What's new?
Well I have not posted in quite sometime, Busy with Work ,Trace, and life! I thought while I had a second I would just give a summary of what had been going on since I last posted. Trace has learned to crawl and pull-up and is getting into everything. He's a fast little booger! We had our first Easter with him and he got a ton of stuff from the Easter bunny! So not much but thats what has been happening :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Getting ready for the beach.......
So at the end of next week we are headed to Flordia for a few days to stay with Danielle,Devin, and Jack! We are really excited, and we can't wait to see what Trace thinks of the beach!! This is are first long trip with Trace so i'm a little anxious to see how he will do. He usely loves the car and goes right to sleep but being in the car for 10hrs in along time so I hope he does well. SO Fingers Crossed. So yesterday we got a few things together, Trace has to have so much stuff to go most of the stuff will be his LOL! So we went to Oldnavy for I could get a few things to wear and we came across these and I knew we just had to have them cuz whats the beach without flip flops :)
There so little and cute
There so little and cute
Those little feet that I love so much
So Trace will be looking good on the beach in his flip flops! I hope he doesn't eat much sand since everything goes straight to his mouth.
Monday, March 21, 2011
We had a great weekend.The weather was perfect and we really enjoyed ourselves. We started the weekend by going out with some friends on Friday night,we went out to eat and then went bowling and got in at 11. Trace was his delightful self as always!! He ended up sleepling to almost 8 saturday morning since we didn't get into late! Saturday after we got up we went and got some flowers at lowe's to do some flower beds in the back yard. Thanks to Wayne and Curtis my backyard now has some color to it. We then went to the hospital and saw Wayne's grandmother she had a pacemaker placed last week and they let her go home sunday. Saturday night we just relaxed at home and watched a movie.Sunday we went early church service, and then desided to go to the Zoo. The day was great and we had alot of fun and this is how it went......
Wayne and Trace looking at the lions
I think they were looking at the jaguars,but Trace was liking the water fall

River Otter
Hanging outside while dad grilled supper
One Cool Dude!!
Wayne and Trace looking at the lions
I think they were looking at the jaguars,but Trace was liking the water fall

River Otter
One Tired little boy after the zoo
One Cool Dude!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Spring forward.....
Who ever thought that this was a good idea was sadly mistaken!! Don't get me wrong I love the Long afternoons but that is all I like,Losing a hour of sleep not so much!!!
Well Trace is working on cutting two new teeth, and trying to crawl!!! He is growing so fast!
Well Trace is working on cutting two new teeth, and trying to crawl!!! He is growing so fast!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Trace had the worst dirty diaper known to man last night.I was getting ready to change him and put him to bed. It had started to come out the sides of his diaper, so I took his pj's off and laid Trace on the couch. I started to take his diaper off and started gaging, now I have a strong Stomach so for me to gag it must of been awful. There was so much poop, how something that little can have so much poop is beyond me. So I started to clean him up to realize there is poop all over my couch. Trace had poop all up his back so when I took off his pj's it got everywhere!!! So yell for Wayne, there was no way diaper wipes were gonna clean this kid up it was time for plan B. I told him to turn on the shower and handed him Trace at arms distance, and jumped in the shower. Mommy washed all the poop away from the stinky baby. Well once the kid was clean and dressed once again for bed , I still had to tackle the couch that was covered in poop. Well I manged to get the couch clean and the baby to bed and in time to watch criminal minds. That was a diaper from hell, but at least it was before bed and not in the middle of the night. I wish not a poop like that on anyone!! Well everyone have a poopful day!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
6 Months.....where did you go?
Yesterday My Trace turned 6months old! Holy heck how did he get that old? He's growing so fast and gettting so big! He had to get his shots yesterday as well ,a necessary evil. Poor guy was so happy to see everyone at the doctor's office, I knew it would be short lived once they stuck him. The Doctor said that he seemed to be doing very well , and is very advanced in his motor skills and should be crawling anyday now. Dr. Youngblood also said to start stage 2 foods, and that since he was such a good eater that if he wanted 3 meals a day of baby food to let him have it. I told her that is what we had been doing because he gets mad if your eating. He's a hungry baby! She said to wait and do meat at 8mths and his food can start to get a little chunker, and at 9mths he can start to have some table food and cheerios ( things like that.) Last night he had mac and cheese w/ veggies and homemade mashed potatoes. She also said that he could have freshed mashed banana's, mashed potatoes, and avocado. So Last night I thought he should get a treat for having to get those nasty shots. He loved the potatoes and mac and cheese ,he ate them all.
We have been having trouble at night this week with him leaking through the top of his diaper and waking up soaked. It just started this week and same diapers and everything. I did try a different diaper last night to see and it still leaked. I even changed him right before I layed him down. He lays on his belly and I always make sure his tallywacker is pointed down. So I don't know what the problem is ,but i'm tired of changing his pj's in the middle of the night.So at the moment I'm lost on what to do to keep him dry.
We have been having trouble at night this week with him leaking through the top of his diaper and waking up soaked. It just started this week and same diapers and everything. I did try a different diaper last night to see and it still leaked. I even changed him right before I layed him down. He lays on his belly and I always make sure his tallywacker is pointed down. So I don't know what the problem is ,but i'm tired of changing his pj's in the middle of the night.So at the moment I'm lost on what to do to keep him dry.
Playing before bed with mommy and daddy
Happy boy right before my shots
Trying to figure out this crawling thing
Trying to get to mommy and daddy
I hate Thursday's,because i'll have to rush home and get everything done. Trace has to be in bed by 8,dinner has to be fixed,diaper bag packed,and the list goes on. Wayne will be in class so no help there, and we are suppose to be having some severe weather today...Just great!! I can't be getting my stuff done if i'm in the closet with a baby,oh and the dog!!! Hopeful it will all be fine. The electricity better stay on because Grey's anatomy comes on, and I must watch!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
It is here at last !!!!
Finally Friday! A day that most people look forward to,I know I do. It is two days that I spend with my family away from work!!! Don't get me wrong I enjoy working and only working 3 days a week is nice, but I must say I rather be with my boy's. Those two days go by faster then anything , and it's Monday before we know it. We are going to my parent's house this weekend. We have not been down in a few weeks, and thought we would go this weekend since the weather is suppose to be nice. So hopeful we will have a good weekend.
I'm ready to cuddle with my Trace. Last night I didn't get to see him much,because of Thursday nights when I get off work I pick Trace up from a friend's house. Wayne has class on Thursday night's and we need someone to watch him for a hour or so until I get off work and they live just down the block. So they were kind enough to watch Trace(very thankful that they do). Then after picking him up I have to run home and feed him, give him a bath, put his pj's on all before 8 and I get off at 7. Then after he goes to sleep I still have to wash bottles,let the dog out,fix lunch for the next day to take to work, cook if I have time, fix Trace's diaper bag for the next day, and then of course I have to watch Grey's anatomy. Ugh I hate Thursday nights I have to rush rush to get everything done and I have no time to spend with my little guy!!! Yet that is just how it is and I must push on for the time being.
The Joy's of motherhood
I'm ready to cuddle with my Trace. Last night I didn't get to see him much,because of Thursday nights when I get off work I pick Trace up from a friend's house. Wayne has class on Thursday night's and we need someone to watch him for a hour or so until I get off work and they live just down the block. So they were kind enough to watch Trace(very thankful that they do). Then after picking him up I have to run home and feed him, give him a bath, put his pj's on all before 8 and I get off at 7. Then after he goes to sleep I still have to wash bottles,let the dog out,fix lunch for the next day to take to work, cook if I have time, fix Trace's diaper bag for the next day, and then of course I have to watch Grey's anatomy. Ugh I hate Thursday nights I have to rush rush to get everything done and I have no time to spend with my little guy!!! Yet that is just how it is and I must push on for the time being.
The Joy's of motherhood
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Bring on Spring .....but Trace please slow down
I'm so ready for spring,it can not get here fast enough!!! Yet the one thing i'm not ready for is my little guy getting any bigger then what he already is!! Trace is growing way to fast, he has 3 teeth and he sets by himself and acts like he wants to crawl .
Ok So I egg on the crawling, but I truely wish he would slow down a little. He will be 6 mths old the 23rd that's next Wednesday. Were has all the time gone???
He has gone from the Little bitty baby (he was a big boy but he was little to me ) to my Big boy :( Time sure does fly!!!
Ok So I egg on the crawling, but I truely wish he would slow down a little. He will be 6 mths old the 23rd that's next Wednesday. Were has all the time gone???
He has gone from the Little bitty baby (he was a big boy but he was little to me ) to my Big boy :( Time sure does fly!!!
He is always learning something new and I'm amazed by him everyday. I can't remember life without him, Me and Wayne Thank God for him everyday!!
He has mastered eating baby food and loves it. He is so funny to watch. He's a fast learned, he try to grab your drink and will put it up to his mouth and he will try to grab food off your plate. At night he turns circles in his crib and sleeps with his cute little butt in the air,but durning the day know matter what you do he will not put his butt in the air LOL!!
But all in all it's just the joy's of motherhood!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's day!!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day 2011

Well the day started off great Trace slept in his crib all night and didn't wake up at all!!! ( YAY Trace). We had a great Weekend!!!! Nana and Papaw came and stayed the day with Trace while me and Wayne went and enjoyed the horse races with some friends!!!! I think Nana and Papaw really enjoyed little man this weekend!!! We also enjoyed Dinner with Joey and Wayne tryed sushi for the first time!!! Sunday we went to early church service and came home and relaxed for a little while. Then that Afternoon we took Trace around the block in his wagon since the weather was great, and he loved it. Trace loves to be outside so I can't wait till this summer when we can be outside alot more.Then Kevin and Leah came over, after they picked up there new puppy, they brought Trace his valentine's from them, A puppy that sings and a cute frog book!!! They are both so sweet to him!!! Nana and papaw also gave Trace his Valentine's and he got 3 cute burp clothes, one has heartbreaker,ABC, and Endsley. He also got a puppy that holds a blanket,and he got some bananas( He loves bananas).Then last night I gave Trace and Wayne there Valentine's , Me and Trace got Wayne candy and Trace got a new Tag blanket. I was promised a spa day in the very near future from the boy's. Just having both my boy's is good enough for me!!!
The Joy's of motherhood

Well the day started off great Trace slept in his crib all night and didn't wake up at all!!! ( YAY Trace). We had a great Weekend!!!! Nana and Papaw came and stayed the day with Trace while me and Wayne went and enjoyed the horse races with some friends!!!! I think Nana and Papaw really enjoyed little man this weekend!!! We also enjoyed Dinner with Joey and Wayne tryed sushi for the first time!!! Sunday we went to early church service and came home and relaxed for a little while. Then that Afternoon we took Trace around the block in his wagon since the weather was great, and he loved it. Trace loves to be outside so I can't wait till this summer when we can be outside alot more.Then Kevin and Leah came over, after they picked up there new puppy, they brought Trace his valentine's from them, A puppy that sings and a cute frog book!!! They are both so sweet to him!!! Nana and papaw also gave Trace his Valentine's and he got 3 cute burp clothes, one has heartbreaker,ABC, and Endsley. He also got a puppy that holds a blanket,and he got some bananas( He loves bananas).Then last night I gave Trace and Wayne there Valentine's , Me and Trace got Wayne candy and Trace got a new Tag blanket. I was promised a spa day in the very near future from the boy's. Just having both my boy's is good enough for me!!!
The Joy's of motherhood
Monday, February 7, 2011
Going Crazy......but only at night
The weekend is over once again and it's time to start another week. We had a good weekend,with just Wayne ,Trace,and I. We were very lazy on Saturday and just laid around and watched T.V and played with Trace! Saturday night we went to a Party were one of my co-workers reveled the sex of her baby!! (She's having a girl) It was fun to get out of the house.Trace had to come with us but of course he was his happy self!! Then Sunday afternoon we went to a friends house to watch the Superbowl !! So that was are lazy ,good,boring weekend!!!!
My Trace is still giving me problem's at night and it's making me crazy!!! How can a Baby be the perfect sleeper turn in to this monster!!!Its the same thing that's been happening the last few weeks!!! I think I'm going to take a friend's advice that she gave me and try a new approach with a clear head. I don't have to work the next two days so maybe I can break him of this horrible habit in the next two days!!!! I'll let everyone know how it goes!!! Fingers crossed !!!
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)
My Trace is still giving me problem's at night and it's making me crazy!!! How can a Baby be the perfect sleeper turn in to this monster!!!Its the same thing that's been happening the last few weeks!!! I think I'm going to take a friend's advice that she gave me and try a new approach with a clear head. I don't have to work the next two days so maybe I can break him of this horrible habit in the next two days!!!! I'll let everyone know how it goes!!! Fingers crossed !!!
I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)
Friday, February 4, 2011
Snow! Snow! Snow!
A Four letter word that will make people go crazy when heard in Arkansas!!! By 7 o'clock this morning all the major school districts in the central area were closed and it had not even started to snow yet!!! Well it has started to snow now and were suppose to get 1-2 inches but whose knows we could get a dusting we could get a foot,that's Arkansas weather for ya :) !!!! I was told this morning when I dropped Trace off that they would be closing early but didn't know when!!! Wayne always gets to get off work so not fair!!! I will admit it is pretty as I watch it fall from my office window!!! Days like these are to be spent at home snuggled up under warm blankets and drinking hot cocoa !!!But of course that is only in my dreams!!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Another Week,another Day
It's another week in the Endsley household!! To start off the week, Wayne is sick with a fever,and will not go to the doctor!! If he gets my baby sick me and him will have some problems,he has had is warning!!!
The Weather this weekend was wonderful!! Trace loved being outside.He so nosey he loves to look at everything!!! I can't wait for the weather to be warm like this for we can be outside alot!!!
Well we are still having sleep issues!! Its never ending, goes to bed fine and wakes up at 11 or 12,Last night I but him in his swing when he woke up and he slept till I woke him up this morning!!! I can't belive he was such a good sleeper until about 2 weeks ago!!! What happened?!?!?!
My sweet baby boy with his papaw!!!
So I hope the day gets better!!! Maybe Wayne will go to the Doctor(fingers crossed)!! Trace is at Daycare( I hope the Little guy has a good day).Tomorrow i'm off !!! But all in all it's just the joys of motherhood!!!
Well we are still having sleep issues!! Its never ending, goes to bed fine and wakes up at 11 or 12,Last night I but him in his swing when he woke up and he slept till I woke him up this morning!!! I can't belive he was such a good sleeper until about 2 weeks ago!!! What happened?!?!?!
My sweet baby boy with his papaw!!!
So I hope the day gets better!!! Maybe Wayne will go to the Doctor(fingers crossed)!! Trace is at Daycare( I hope the Little guy has a good day).Tomorrow i'm off !!! But all in all it's just the joys of motherhood!!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Finally the sweet weekend!!!
First off let me just say that this week i'm beyond exhausted!!! I'm very thankful it's Friday and that I can recharge!!! Trace has been a hand full this week,we've had some sleep issues we are trying to work through!!! So he sleeps in his crib now,he goes down fine at 8 right after a bottle.Well in the last week or so he has desided that he is going to wake up at 12 and not go back to sleep mind you most of the time when he wakes up in the middle of the night he's not hungry,the little turd whats to play and I also think he could be cutting another tooth.Which is fine if he wants to wake up and play and then fall back asleep,but no if you don't play attention to him he will fuss and cry until you do!!! What a spoiled baby I have!! He has always slept good and I hope this doesn't last long(fingers crossed).So last night we did the same thing as always,pj's,bottle,bed,he went down fine I left his sound machine on low this time.He slept great until 12, I heard him on the monitor and rolled over to tell Wayne to go see if he could get him back asleep.Well see Wayne sleeps like a dead guy,and says sure rolls over and is sound asleep!! So after I throw a Tiffany I'm tired and just worked a 12hr shift and stayed up the night before with him fit.I go and get my little guy and put him in his swing in are room and we both go to sleep of course after he has a bottle because this time he's hungry!!! So i'm half way rested this morning!!!YAY!!! I hate putting him in his swing at night,and he went right back to sleep on my shoulder after his bottle at 12,so i'm sure i could of but him back in his crib,but this mom was not chancing it.So baby went to the swing!!! I guess I'll pick my battles :)!!! So i'm glad it's the weekend!!! :)
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