Friday, January 28, 2011

Finally the sweet weekend!!!


 First off let me just say that this week i'm beyond exhausted!!! I'm very thankful it's Friday and that I can recharge!!! Trace has been a hand full this week,we've had some sleep issues we are trying to work through!!! So he sleeps in his crib now,he goes down fine at 8 right after a bottle.Well in the last week or so he has desided that he is going to wake up at 12 and not go back to sleep mind you most of the time when he wakes up in the middle of the night he's not hungry,the little turd whats to play and I also think he could be cutting another tooth.Which is fine if he wants to wake up and play and then fall back asleep,but no if you don't play attention to him he will fuss and cry until you do!!! What a spoiled baby I have!! He has always slept good and I hope this doesn't last long(fingers crossed).So last night we did the same thing as always,pj's,bottle,bed,he went down fine I left his sound machine on low this time.He slept great until 12, I heard him on the monitor and rolled over to tell Wayne to go see if he could get him back asleep.Well see Wayne sleeps like a dead guy,and says sure rolls over and is sound asleep!! So after I throw a Tiffany I'm tired and just worked a 12hr shift and stayed up the night before with him fit.I go and get my little guy and put him in his swing in are room and we both go to sleep of course after he has a bottle because this time he's hungry!!! So i'm half way rested this morning!!!YAY!!! I hate putting him in his swing at night,and he went right back to sleep on my shoulder after his bottle at 12,so i'm sure i could of but him back in his crib,but this mom was not chancing it.So baby went to the swing!!! I guess I'll pick my battles :)!!! So i'm glad it's the weekend!!! :)

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