Monday, January 31, 2011

Another Week,another Day

     It's another week in the Endsley household!! To start off the week, Wayne is sick with a fever,and will not go to the doctor!! If he gets my baby sick me and him will have some problems,he has had is warning!!!

     The Weather this weekend was wonderful!! Trace loved being outside.He so nosey he loves to look at everything!!! I can't wait for the weather to be warm like this for we can be outside alot!!!
       Well we are still having sleep issues!! Its never ending, goes to bed fine and wakes up at 11 or 12,Last night I but him in his swing when he woke up and he slept till I woke him up this morning!!! I can't belive he was such a good sleeper until about 2 weeks ago!!! What happened?!?!?!

                                      My sweet baby boy with his papaw!!!

So I hope the day gets better!!! Maybe Wayne will go to the Doctor(fingers crossed)!! Trace is at Daycare( I hope the Little guy has a good day).Tomorrow i'm off !!! But all in all it's just the joys of motherhood!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Finally the sweet weekend!!!


 First off let me just say that this week i'm beyond exhausted!!! I'm very thankful it's Friday and that I can recharge!!! Trace has been a hand full this week,we've had some sleep issues we are trying to work through!!! So he sleeps in his crib now,he goes down fine at 8 right after a bottle.Well in the last week or so he has desided that he is going to wake up at 12 and not go back to sleep mind you most of the time when he wakes up in the middle of the night he's not hungry,the little turd whats to play and I also think he could be cutting another tooth.Which is fine if he wants to wake up and play and then fall back asleep,but no if you don't play attention to him he will fuss and cry until you do!!! What a spoiled baby I have!! He has always slept good and I hope this doesn't last long(fingers crossed).So last night we did the same thing as always,pj's,bottle,bed,he went down fine I left his sound machine on low this time.He slept great until 12, I heard him on the monitor and rolled over to tell Wayne to go see if he could get him back asleep.Well see Wayne sleeps like a dead guy,and says sure rolls over and is sound asleep!! So after I throw a Tiffany I'm tired and just worked a 12hr shift and stayed up the night before with him fit.I go and get my little guy and put him in his swing in are room and we both go to sleep of course after he has a bottle because this time he's hungry!!! So i'm half way rested this morning!!!YAY!!! I hate putting him in his swing at night,and he went right back to sleep on my shoulder after his bottle at 12,so i'm sure i could of but him back in his crib,but this mom was not chancing it.So baby went to the swing!!! I guess I'll pick my battles :)!!! So i'm glad it's the weekend!!! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

What a big boy you are!!!

     Well Trace turned 5mths old yesterday, were has the time gone? Next month he will be half a year old,but it seems like my little boy was just born!!! He has started setting up this last week,he can't get up on his own but will set there if you put him in the up right position. He has alson wanted to drink out of your cup,he thinks anything you have to drink out of is his,same with food!!! Silly boy is growing up way to fast!! He had mashed potatoes this weekend and loved them!! He is so funny ,he is going to be are little actor,he's trying to master the fake cry!! Life is great right now!!! Trace slept all night last night,little booger was tired from the busy weekend!!! So after little guy was put to bed,me and Wayne watched Couples retreat and it was so funny!! we loved it!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow,Snow go away come back like next year!!! K thanks ;)

I dont want it to snow again ,but it is!! Since I can't be off work when it snows I would rather it not snow!!! I'm at work and the building is empty, because everyone thought they would go home since it's snowing!!! lucky them!! To top it off Trace's daycare just called 15mins to 3 to tell me there closing at 3, Thanks for the notice!!
                                Wayne is headed to get the little guy!!!
I wish I could be home with this little guy playing!!! Well I'll see my boys at 7 when I get off, I guess that will just have to do :)

So I went to Zumba for the 2nd time last night as well as Ab class. I know longer hate zumba it's alot easier the 2nd time,and I keep up pretty well with all the moves.Grant you I still have no Rhythm,but I was alot better last night then last week!! Last week's class that was a big joke!! So I actually enjoyed last night,I'm trying to get back in shape and exercise as much as I can.I can't wait for it to get warm outside that way on my days off I can just throw Trace in his stroller and we can head out and walk are bootys off ;)

Once again it's just the joys of motherhood!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Quiet time

                                My Sweet baby is napping on the floor makes me happy!!!
So sweet and Innocent not a care in the world!!!

It's my day off and me and Trace have had a very uneventful day,ran to the pharmacy and to burger king .So pretty much nothing the whole day,just the way I like it,well for the most part don't get me wrong i enjoy a little excietment here and there!! It's nice to relax and just hang out sometimes to!!But of course all Hell breaks loss when someone knocks on the door,because then the phone rings,the dog goes crazy and the baby starts crying.The guy at the door is the freaking bug guy wanting to know what I need done,Guess what buddy I don't care if you spray around the house or stick that wand up your butt can't you see i'm a little busy with the phone,baby and the crazy dog that will not shut-up!!! but no of course you keep on,not to mention that even after I tell you to just spray around the house ,you manage to still knock on my door once again to tell me the gate is locked,so with the barking dog, the crying baby and yes i'm still on the phone,I make my way outside to find that the lock is on the other side of the freaking gate!!! Well he finally left, and lets say he left my reciept in the mailbox,I guess he finally figured out I had my hands full!! DUH!!! Moments like that are funny,because everything will be fine and gravy ,but one thing like a knock on the door will make everything go nuts.Hey that's the joy of motherhood for ya,love every minute of it!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A new week, a new day

Another week ,and another day of work starts today.Trace is at home with Wayne since it's Martin Luther King day,Lucky dogs :) I don't get off until 7 just in time to give the little man a bath and his last bottle of the day.Then we have two full days of play before I go to work again!! Anyway Trace has started to sit when you place him in the sitting position, but the funny part is when his toys are out of reach he jumps for them.What a silly boy!!! He also slept in this crib all night for the first time,mind you is has slept in it ,but never all night in his crib,so proud!!! My Trace is getting so big!!Wayne managed to feed him a whole jar of pears for lunch. I would of liked to been there for that,I'm sure he got more on him then in his little belly :)Oh the joys of motherhood it is a sweet blissful experince that knowone could really ever prepare or explain to you!!!